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Class of 2014

Participation Drive
4 Donors
Towards goal of 168 Donors
$779.00 Raised
Project has ended
Project ended on November 02, at 11:55 PM CST
Project Owners



Undisclosed Amount

Nov 01, 2020



Sep 27, 2020


Undisclosed Amount

Sep 23, 2020



Undisclosed Amount

Sep 22, 2020
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Start at the Beginning

The Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College was founded in 1997, thanks to the efforts of then Chancellor Robert Khayat, now late Provost Carolyn Staton, and Jim and the now late Sally Barksdale. The Barksdales committed what was then the largest-ever gift to UM academics to make the Honors College a reality.


Go Fish

In Japan, koi are a symbol of luck, prosperity and good fortune. For our students at SMBHC, being around the 38 koi in our little pond often helps relieve stress and renew focus.


A Firm Foundation

Every first-year student at the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College takes Honors 101, a class that brings talented students from diverse backgrounds together to launch their academic journeys.


Class of 2014

Make your gift in honor of the Class of 2014! Please feel free to move the decimal as you are inspired.


Seek and Find

Honors College students conduct research projects around the world and close to home. To help fund travel, supplies, technology and all the resources needed to do amazing work, students apply for research grants. Last year, the average size of a grant per student was $609. Your gift can fund an entire student project!


One for the Record Books

One thing is for certain: we'll never forget 2020. While so many have encountered hardships during the pandemic, we hope that 2020 has taught us to value everything we have, to tell the people around us that we care, and to support individuals who try to make the world a better place.

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