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Caroline McCollum Simrall Hood Memorial Scholarship Endowment

Raised toward our $55,000 Goal
211 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on January 15, at 11:59 PM CST
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Give to Honor a Young Life Cut Short and a Legacy of Friendship

The Caroline McCollum Simrall Hood Memorial Scholarship will help young women at Ole Miss fulfill their dreams for years to come

Caroline McCollum Simrall Hood, an Ole Miss senior, passed away on Jan. 11, 2022, in a tragic car accident. She was just 22 years old and four months away from graduating with a degree in Integrated Marketing Communications from UM’s School of Journalism and New Media. She had planned to begin graduate school this fall.

Caroline, her mother, Holley, and sister, Kathryn in the Grove at Ole Miss

To honor Caroline’s life, her passion for Ole Miss, and her love of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority (KKG), Caroline’s family and KKG have launched the Caroline McCollum Simrall Hood Memorial Scholarship Endowment. Once funded, this scholarship will be awarded to active members of KKG who embody Caroline’s love for others, beautiful spirit and commitment to the sorority. Her friends and family encourage everyone who wishes to honor Caroline’s life to contribute to the scholarship fund.

Caroline grew up in Vicksburg and was a competitive cheerleader and tumbler from a very young age.

“She put her heart and soul into this sport and loved sharing her talent and spirit with others,” said Holley Hood, Caroline’s mother. “She was a fearless flyer for her high school varsity cheer team.”

Caroline held many special friendships, and one of her strongest college relationships was with Anna Mathis Larson, a sorority pledge sister from Oxford.

“Caroline was a relentless and steadfast friend with open ears and a genuine heart,” Larson said. “Her light and love radiated throughout the Kappa walls, and I think all that had the opportunity to know Caroline can confidently say that she made the most of every single day she was given and absolutely lived her life to the fullest.”

Although beautiful, smart, funny and athletic, Caroline also struggled at times due to rejection from key figures in her life.

“Most people didn’t realize how much pain and anxiety she kept bottled up inside her,” her mother, Holley, said.

As a lifelong member of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Caroline held close to her faith to help her through difficult times. On Jan. 11, 2014, exactly eight years before her death, she tweeted, “The pain you are feeling cannot compare to the joy that is coming. - Romans 8:18.” Caroline worked hard to overcome adversity and knew her strength and courage came from her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

“Caroline meant everything to our family,” Holley said. “She had so many hopes and dreams, and our desire is for recipients of this scholarship to fulfill theirs, while also understanding the importance of making everyone feel special, as Caroline did.”

For more information, contact Brett Barefoot in the Office of University Development at or 662-915-2711.


The Hood Family


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22 Years Old

In the short 22 years Caroline was with us, she loved deeply and struggled through many trials. She found strength by leaning on her faith. “He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds.” Psalms 147:3


Strong in Her Faith

Caroline read her Bible often, and had highlighted this verse: “Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything.” Philippians 4:5-6. Caroline’s faith was strong and helped her continue to be a positive light for her friends and family.


IMC 104

Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC 104) is the course her family believes set Caroline on the path to the future she was so excited to begin. She enjoyed learning and worked hard to excel in her studies at the UM School of Journalism and New Media.


A Special Number

This number was special to Caroline. She would see this number often on her phone, computer, bank signs, street addresses, etc. She was never quite sure why, but it was significant to her. We see the numbers now, too, and consider it a “God wink."


Romans 8:18

Caroline posted on Twitter on Jan. 11, 2014: “The pain you are feeling cannot compare to the joy that is coming. - Romans 8:18." She died on this same day eight years later in a tragic car accident. The numbers 8 and 18 are also special because it is the birthday (August 18) of Caroline's younger sister Kate.


Caroline's Birth Year

Caroline was born on Aug. 25, 1999. Her family is so grateful that God lent them His child for 22 beautiful years.


Thousands of Lives

Caroline’s tragic death at such a young age has impacted thousands of people. Her family has been comforted and contacted by people near and far. Their hope is that by sharing Caroline’s story, other young people will be inspired to achieve their goals and overcome great obstacles in their lives.

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