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Sponsor a White Coat for a New Pharmacy Student

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
35 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on September 01, at 12:19 AM CDT
Project Owners

It's More Than a Coat ... It's a Calling

In August, the University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy will welcome 80 new pharmacy students to the class of 2027 at our annual White Coat Ceremony. 

Although much has changed in pharmacy education, the importance and excitement of receiving the white coat have not. As all pharmacists know, wearing the white coat – a symbol of professionalism and commitment to all future patients – is a special milestone.

We invite you to connect with these student pharmacists and sponsor a white coat experience for an individual student. Donors who are committed to the school’s success form its strong foundation of excellence and create the Ole Miss Pharmacy “phamily” atmosphere of welcome and encouragement. Let’s come together to demonstrate to these 80 new students that they are not only part of the pharmacy profession but are also part of the Ole Miss Pharmacy phamily: pharmacy leaders, innovators and providers across the country.

Your sponsorship is a tangible way to celebrate these future pharmacists and wish them well on their professional journeys. As a sponsor, you will have the opportunity to include a note of congratulations in the pocket of the student’s white coat so each student feels connected immediately to Ole Miss Pharmacy and is reminded of his or her commitment to patient care.

Today, please choose to sponsor a future Ole Miss pharmacist. Gifts of all sizes make a profound and immediate impact. Your support shows that the generosity of our phamily keeps pharmacy education and the profession moving forward.

To Sponsor a White Coat:

Click to give and fill out the special notes box on the giving form to write your message to a new pharmacy student.

Choose a giving level


The White Coat

Your $115 gift will supply one first-year student with a white coat and a first stethoscope, both symbols of professionalism and commitment to patient care.


Two White Coat Experiences

Your $300 gift will supply two first-year students with their white coats and their first stethoscopes, both symbols of professionalism and commitment to patient care.


PHCY400: Becoming a Pharmacist

Every first-year student takes Pharmacy 400: Becoming a Pharmacist, which launches their professional journey. Consider a $400 gift in honor of YOUR journey and support 10 pharmacy students.


Outfit the Class

One gift of $4,000 will provide the white coat experience for over half the incoming P1 class. Make a lasting impact. *All gifts beyond the cost of the coats and White Coat Ceremony will be applied toward student professional travel.

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