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Re-Rebs Clothing Recycling Program

Raised toward our $3,500 Goal
49 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on February 01, at 11:59 PM CST
Project Owners

Claim An Exclusive Pair of Socks and Help Us Spread the Word on #GivingTuesday!

November 28, 2023

Thank you for giving so generously to the Re-Rebs Clothing Recycling Program at the University of Mississippi! On #GivingTuesday, an annual day of giving around the world, we have an opportunity to focus more attention on this project!

Today only, if you give $18.48 or more, we will send you a limited-edition pair of “Gosh Almighty” socks as a thank you. (One gift=one pair of socks. Limit four per household!)

As you consider your own giving today, please think about setting up a monthly recurring gift. Just click “Give Now” and select “Recurring.” Your sustained support strengthens our campus community and builds reliable resources for the Re-Rebs Clothing Recycling Program. When you set up a recurring gift, we will send you a red and gold Lyceum lapel pin.

Please consider lending your voice to this vital fundraising effort today – #GivingTuesday – by sharing this project on social media and with your family and friends. Together, we can encourage others to support a greener and more sustainable campus community.  

Your support will be counted in Now & Ever: The Campaign for Ole Miss, which seeks to secure $1.5 billion to strengthen the university for generations to come.

Ignite Ole Miss accepts PayPal, Venmo, Apple Pay and all major credit cards.

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Pioneering a Greener Future

Were you aware that UM boasts an impressive 15 residence halls on its campus? Re-Rebs aspires to extend its reach to every single one of these halls in the near future. The goal is to seamlessly integrate clothing donation opportunities into the daily lives of all students, making it incredibly convenient for them to reduce textile waste.


Honoring Sustainability

Re-Rebs was initiated within the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College through the Leadership in Public Policy Settings (PPL 373) course led by Dr. Joseph Holland. This project has established a partnership with the Honors College Ambassadors to sustain its momentum, assure its longevity and drive a substantial reduction in textile waste at UM.


Pounds of Impact

A staggering 82 pounds of clothing is discarded by the average American consumer annually. By providing students with easy access to donation bins, we empower them to actively participate in curbing this alarming statistic. Moreover, this initiative serves as an educational platform, relaying the importance of donating clothing back to the university and other communities.


Campus Call to Action

In the early stages of our project, we conducted a survey to gauge the need for Re-Rebs. Our survey garnered an impressive 210 responses. An overwhelming 94% reported that they or their friends discard old clothing instead of donating it. Even more encouraging, 96% expressed a strong inclination to donate if clothing donation bins were available on campus.


One Residence Hall at a Time

A generous donation of $480 will cover the expense of providing a durable steel, anti-theft clothing donation bin for a residence hall. Your contribution serves as a beacon of sustainability, guaranteeing that UM community members will enjoy continued access to these bins for the foreseeable future.

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