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Support the Ole Miss Wish and Student Veterans 2023

Raised toward our $1,200 Goal
82 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on February 21, at 11:59 PM CST
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Hotty Toddy!

The cost of two official Ole Miss pom poms to help cheer on the Rebels!



This is the average cost of a hot dog and soda. Is there anything better than watching a baseball game and eating a hot dog at Swayze Field? We don't think so!


Pack the Pavilion

This amount gets a person into the lower level at the Pavilion so they can be close to the action with our Ole Miss basketball teams!


Saturdays at the Grove

This the average cost of an Ole Miss football ticket. Saturdays are meant to be spent hanging out at the Grove and cheering on the Rebels in the Vaught.


Game & Swag

Average cost for a football ticket at the Vaught and an Ole Miss hoodie at the fan shop.


Fear the Fin

Tony Fein is an Army veteran and former Ole Miss football player who put his hand up like a dorsal fin of a shark which is now infamous with the football team. This could help cover the average cost for someone to partake in the ultimate game-day experience.


Cheer. Eat. Sleep.

Average cost of two tickets to an Ole Miss football game, meal for two and a one-night stay in an Oxford hotel.

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