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MBA for Grove Grocery 2024

Raised toward our $1,800 Goal
63 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on May 01, at 11:59 PM CDT
Project Owners

Goal Achieved

April 29, 2024

Thanks to your incredible support, we've hit our fundraising goal!!  We couldn't have done it without you, and we're deeply grateful for every single donation that has brought us this far.

But wait, there's just one day left! If you haven't had a chance to contribute yet, now's the time to join the movement and make an impact. Every donation, no matter the size, helps us continue our mission and support those in need.

Let's finish strong together! Click the link to donate before time runs out. Thank you for your generosity and for being a part of something truly special. 

Choose a giving level


One Heart at a Time

Your small donations can help fill empty stomachs. Join us in fighting hunger, where your generosity makes a big difference, reaching one heart at a time.


Meal Swipe

Your donation will cover the cost of one meal swipe for a student. Every meal makes a difference in fueling students to change the world!


Rebels for Change

Grove Grocery was founded in 2013 to help alleviate food insecurity in UM students.


Make Your Mark

Thank you for supporting the MBA Class of 2024 in our efforts to raise money for Grove Grocery. Your donation empowers us to impact our community and leave our mark on this campus!



Lead the charge against campus hunger by pledging $50. Join us in supporting this cause, fueling the fight, and ensuring a nourished future for all.



Your $75 contribution isn't just a donation but a lifeline. Help a student thrive by providing them with a week's worth of meals.



Be a hero in our hunger relief mission. Your generous $100 donation can supply numerous meals, bringing hope and nourishment to those in need. Join our community of champions by contributing today.

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