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Daniel W. Jones, M.D. Chair for Faculty Support - Staff

Participation Drive
100 Staff Members
Towards goal of 200 Staff Members
$19,747.00 Raised
Project has ended
Project ended on June 19, at 11:59 PM CDT
Project Owners

11% toward our participation goal of 200 staff members

May 21, 2015

I am pleased to report that we have had 22 staff members donate $5,967, which is 11% of our goal to see a minimum of 200 staff members participate in this important initiative.

Endowed chairs provide salary supplements that help recruit and retain top faculty members to teach Ole Miss students. In our nation’s incredibly competitive higher education community, such salary supplements are needed, particularly at state universities like ours. UM’s enrollment continues to increase, with our faculty responsible for ensuring that all students receive the instruction and mentoring they need to excel, both at Ole Miss and beyond. The Jones Chair will rotate among schools and colleges on the Oxford campus, wherever the faculty need is greatest.   By giving today to support the Jones Chair, you will honor a servant leader and help strengthen Ole Miss for generations to come.

Hotty Toddy!

Carl Hill III

18% toward our participation goal of 200 staff members

May 27, 2015

Since my first update we have had 14 more staff members participate in the campaign to honor Chancellor Jones. Our campaign has now raised $6,957 from 36 staff members. We are 18% toward our goal to see a minimum of 200 staff members participate in this important initiative.

Each and every gift to the Daniel W. Jones, M.D. Chair for Faculty Support is greatly appreciated! Gifts of all sizes come together to make a tremendous impact. The Madison Charitable Foundation – founded by Houston, Texas, businessman and Mississippi native Wiley H. Hatcher – has announced a commitment to match staff gifts up to $25,000. When you make a gift today, your support will be multiplied by the generous Madison Foundation, a longtime supporter of our academic community. Please join the widespread, collaborative effort to honor Chancellor Jones and undergird the teaching, research and service work of our great University. The investments we make together will reap tremendous benefits now and in the future.

Let’s work together to see this initiative achieve great success in both honoring an exceptional servant leader and undergirding the teaching and mentoring of students. We are Ole Miss! Thank you for stepping forward today with a gift!

Please help, too, by sharing this campaign with family, friends and colleagues, using the hashtag #WAOM (We Are Ole Miss) or #IStandWithDan.  

Hotty Toddy!

Carl Hill III

26% toward our participation goal of 200 staff members

May 29, 2015

Since our last update we have had 16 more University of Mississippi staff members donate an additional $5,817 in the campaign to honor Chancellor Jones. Our campaign has now raised $12,774 from 52 staff members, and that is 26% toward our goal of having 200 staff members participate.

It takes a large, organized, and deeply dedicated group of faculty, staff, students, alumni and others to make this University a truly great institution. When Chancellor Jones began his tenure, he explained the need to build faculty support because of a rapidly growing student body. Chancellor Jones, a former professor himself, has promoted investments in faculty as an effective way of helping transform students’ lives. When one area of our University is strengthened, every area is strengthened. Together we are reaching for new heights in excellence.

Please act today with a gift of any size to honor Chancellor Jones and this initiative that is uppermost in his heart and mind: building faculty support to recruit and retain outstanding professors, who will then enrich and expand educational opportunities for UM students. Your gift will honor our exceptional leader while also continually enhancing our University’s academic reputation. The positive end result will be seen in the lives of Ole Miss students and ultimately in the larger world.

In addition, you can help by sharing this campaign with family, friends and colleagues, using the hashtag #WAOM (We Are Ole Miss) or #IStandWithDan.  

Thank you for your gift today!

Hotty Toddy!

Carl Hill III

37% toward our participation goal of 200 staff members

June 15, 2015

Only 4 days remain to express our thanks to Chancellor Jones! Since our last update we have had 22 more University of Mississippi staff members donate an additional $977 in the campaign to honor Chancellor Jones. Our campaign has now raised $13,751 from 74 staff members, and that is 37% toward our goal of having 200 staff members participate. Let’s get behind this effort and ensure the goal is exceeded! We can do this!

Please take a look at the donor wall on all three ongoing campaigns for alumni and friends, faculty, and staff. Our heartfelt thanks go to the Ole Miss Alumni Association and Archie and Olivia Manning for their new gifts to this worthy endeavor!

Be a proud UM staff member and give back! Recall your own exceptional experiences at this University throughout the years and think about how fortunate we have been to have Chancellor Jones leading our University community. UM has been consistently named a “Great College to Work For” by the Chronicle of Higher Education, and now our institution has been named one of the 20 fastest growing colleges in America – a reflection of the appealing educational opportunities we offer. As a University family, we should all feel very proud of our accomplishments and, hopefully, inspired to provide gifts that keep this momentum building.

We need your gift, whatever the size … we need you to participate today in honoring Dr. Jones and increasing faculty support! Your resources will help strengthen UM for today and far into the future. In addition, you can help by sharing this campaign with family, friends and colleagues, using the hashtag #WAOM (We Are Ole Miss) or #IStandWithDan.  

Be a part of something very meaningful in the life of the University of Mississippi. Give today to create the Dan Jones Chair for Faculty Support! Your dedication and generosity are greatly appreciated!  

Hotty Toddy!

Carl Hill III


43% toward our participation goal of 200 staff members

June 19, 2015

Are You Ready?

Only 14 hours left to support the Chancellor Dan Jones Chair for Faculty Support!

Expansive progress! We are nearing our goal of attracting $1 million to honor Chancellor Jones’ tenure and building faculty support. Together, Ole Miss Family members are continuing to fuel the incredible momentum we have all come to expect, moving this great American university onward and upward. This time the Oxford campus is energized by critical faculty support pouring in to pay tribute to contributions of Chancellor Dan Jones!

Breaking news! The Gertrude C. Ford Foundation has stepped forward with an amazing $250,000 gift to join alumni and friends, faculty, and staff in honoring Chancellor Jones by building significant faculty support – a top priority he established during his administration. This Jackson, Miss.-based foundation continues to be deeply committed to our academic community as well as to our magnificent cultural hub, the Gertrude C. Ford Center for the Performing Arts. Thank you, Ford Foundation board members, for investing in our University!

Join this exciting movement! Since our last email, the staff campaign’s total has reached more than 43 percent of its goal in the Chancellor Jones initiative. The staff campaign has now raised $19,101 from our ranks toward the overall $1 million goal. Your gift will have a tremendous positive impact on the lives of Ole Miss students, as they are taught and mentored by outstanding professors. As graduates, they will then make significant contributions to society.

Be a strong Ole Miss staff member and pay it forward! Let’s help ensure other generations have similar high-quality educational opportunities and transforming experiences. We need you to give, whatever the amount. Please participate today by 11:59 p.m. and let the world know that our great momentum grows stronger each day. We are redoubling our efforts to serve our students, our great state and the world! Thank you for your dedication to Ole Miss!

In these final hours, you can also help by sharing this campaign with family, friends and colleagues, using the hashtag #WAOM (We Are Ole Miss) or #IStandWithDan.  

We can do this together. We are Ole Miss!


Carl Hill III

Choose a giving level


Six-Column Club

Like the iconic six columns that support the Lyceum, let’s stand in unison and support our esteemed Chancellor Jones. It's not about how much you give; it's about each and every one of us participating.


10-Acre Association

Our legendary 10-acre plot – the Ole Miss Grove – with its ancient oak trees is a point of pride to every Rebel. Please leave your footprint by giving to faculty support in honor of Chancellor Jones, creating one more opportunity to make a difference at our University.


Red and Blue Crew

Are you red and blue true? Show your school spirit by supporting future UM faculty who will mold the leaders of tomorrow in honor of Chancellor Jones.


1848 Corps

Ole Miss Faithful, let's demonstrate to our community and Chancellor Jones that his message of service and leadership was heard loud and clear, and far and wide. Your $50 gift puts you in lock step with other loyal allies of the University of Mississippi.


We Stand With Dan

Ole Miss Family, we will always “stand with Dan.” Will you join us? Help show Chancellor Jones how much of an impact he has truly made as the leader of our beloved University.


Rebel With a Cause

There are so many who give of their time, talents and resources to this University, but none more than Chancellor Jones and our faculty. Show that you recognize the impact that both have played in your life and in the lives of our students.


Hotty Toddy Hero

Are you ready? Ready to let Chancellor Jones know how much we appreciate what he has done for our alumni, faculty, staff and students? Hell Yeah! Dan Right!


Lyceum League

Like the Lyceum, Chancellor Jones will be remembered as a symbol of our University. Show your support for his mission to cultivate eminent faculty in a way that matches the distinction of our campus' most famous building.


Chancellor's Circle

Show your support for continuing the example that Dr. Jones established for excellence in education. Join this remarkable opportunity to champion our Chancellor's mission and express your love for the University in a way that truly makes a difference.


Leadership Legacy

Your substantial gift at this level will leave a lasting legacy by helping UM retain and attract the preeminent professors that our students deserve. Giving at this leadership level helps ensure that our esteemed Chancellor's legacy will be celebrated for generations to come.

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